Sunday, September 23, 2007

Am I Negative?

My posts are pretty boring as I find it. Always dipped in philosophical punch. :) Not rational some of you may think. However that is how I like to portary my life as it comes. Certain stances are highlighted in a very detached way. Growing too personal is also not my cup of tea so there goes the reason for the detachment.

One lesson I have learnt very sincerely from life(till date :) ...I have a long way to go) that life treats you the way you treat life. Does this sound common? Well yes this is ofcourse a very common lesson that our mentors try to inculcate but experiences teach us the harsh reality. So I have decided something that if I am hurt I wont go ahead and take revenge on the individual responsible for it. No...I am not saintly just that I have realised that mistreatment has the innate property of coming back on you. So a revenge can back fire.

My close one calls me an escapist...I do not believe in that. Its very very human to have my own way of thinking (tell me if I am wrong). I strongly feel the necessity of knowing that everything that we aspire cannot be achieved, but we should never ever give up, keep trying till the last breath.

Very recently I have learnt another lesson which shouts that every relationship has expectations. Even family expects, the neighbourhood expects, mentors expect(by mentor I mean all who have contributed in imparting knowledge through books or by vision), even friends do and ofcourse we do expect a lot from ourselves.

Paucity of patience and fear to move on stops our lives. Is that fair enough....why ofcourse its fair. Its the basic right of a strong character to survive and the innane quality(good or bad I am no one to say) of timidity to lose and fail.

I think this has been a dose enough to carry on for long. These are just my might see something different...but comments can be made by anyone. So I am just hoping for the best :) .

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